
On this page you will find the ambassadors of the program One litre for one litre.
They convert the water savings or consumption of their product, service or organization
into the same number of liters of clean drinking water in developing countries via Made Blue.

Blankers schoon

Cleaning company Blankers Schoon saves a lot of water through innovative cleaning techniques and converts it into clean drinking water.

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Orange Blend

Orange Blend’s coffee is picked, sorted and packaged with care and attention, to be served in the office environment. Their extensive range of coffee machines allows you to enjoy a good cup of coffee…

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Vebego Cleaning & Services B.V.

Vegego Cleaning & Services saves a lot of water through innovative cleaning techniques. The water saved at customers’ sites is converted into clean drinking water through Made Blue.

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i-team Global

The agile i-mop scrubber dryer from i-team Global saves a lot of water. The water that is still needed is converted into clean drinking water in developing countries.

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Van Zelst automaten

Van Zelst vending machines mirrors every consumption from one of its coffee machines with the same amount of clean drinking water.

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Saevus Nutrition

Saevus Nutrition supplies healthy sports supplements. As an ambassador of the Made Blue Foundation, 1000 litres of clean drinking water is donated for each product sold.

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Click here for the list in alphabetical order.

Do you also want to be on this list?

Then sign up as an ambassador for our One litre for one litre program.

In this programme you will determine the water savings or the water consumption of your product, service or organization and you balance this with the same amount of litres (or more) of clean drinking water in developing countries.

We ensure that the litres are guaranteed to be available and that you receive a certificate for this. We are happy to help you communicate about this!

This is the complete list of Made Blue ambassadeurs