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Care for coffee

Care for coffee
Made Blue

Care for Coffee donates 1,000,000 liters of clean drinking water to countries with permanent water scarcity such as Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Ethiopia.


Litres of clean drinking water


Of the programme One litre for one litre


Care for Coffee has been ambassador since 2022

About Care for Coffee

Care for Coffee offers a full-service coffee concept for companies, schools, healthcare institutions and more. You pay for your coffee per cup and you don’t have to invest in an expensive coffee machine. This way you can enjoy delicious fresh bean coffee.

Circularity and sustainability are central to this concept. The entire process is designed with attention to people, the environment and nature. All ingredients are sourced in a socially responsible manner through Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade. In addition, Care for Coffee also invests in clean drinking water in developing countries through Made Blue.

Consciously enjoying good coffee. Circularity and sustainability are central to our concept. We organize the entire process from coffee bean to cup of coffee with care and attention for people, the environment and nature. Water consumption is one of the components in this process, hence the collaboration with Made Blue.

In the picture

Coffee has become indispensable for many, all thanks to the coffee bean. That bean is not just picked, a lot has to happen before you can make coffee from it. The coffee bean’s journey is long and complicated and includes countries where there is a lot of water scarcity.

One litre for one litre

In our program One litre for one litre you can convert the water saving or water consumption of your product, service or organization in an equal amount of litres of clean drinking water in developing countries. Choosing a selection of customers or donating more liters is also an option. Transparency is paramount and we are happy to help you communicate about it!

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