Currently active water projects are displayed on the map. Look for made blue icons on the map.
We choose to operate in areas coping with permanent water stress and within relatively stable (political) environments.
Together with local partners we are working on lasting change.


Our total impact realized since the start of made blue in 2014 is displayed below. We register the number of people given permanent access to clean water and hygiene, multiplied by a minimal daily use of 20 litres of water per person, according to United Nations reports.

This is our meter reading



We have already achieved so much clean drinking water in developing countries and that has more impact than you think:

Women have time to work again and children can go to school, giving them a better chance of a better life later. People no longer have to cut down trees to boil dirty water and it is no longer necessary to buy disposable bottles.

Impact mensen


people got access

impact co2


tons of CO2 saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved

We promise access to clean water and hygiene for at least 10 years after completing a water project, of course working hard to make our impact last even longer. We’re fair about potential risks involved. Therefore we’re aiming at reaching more people than being targetted, making sure reported impact is even bigger in real life.

Each project is checked before and during execution. We receive help in this from Aqua for All, the agency that has also been checking the water projects of the Dutch government for many years.


Unfortunately, many well-intentioned initiatives did not live up to expectations. In sub-Sahara Africa it is estimated that about 50% of water pumps once installed by charities are no longer functioning. That is a tragedy! Obviously, that’s not how it should be at all and that is why we’re very serious about making impact last.

Therefore every project we engage in is thoroughly screened and fitted with a business model and ownership structure guaranteeing operation and maintenance for at least 10 years to come. This often means that users pay a small contribution for the water fetched at the facility, funds that are being used as savings for future repairs or even expansion.

That results in lasting change and a more sustainable society. The sustainability factor is even bigger as direct access to clean water often also means no longer having to boil polluted surface water over open fire or having to buy packaged water.

Of course sustainability is key in our own operation as well, developing solutions that contribute to lowering water footprints of products and services of the companies supporting our work.


As there’s always room for improvement we also invest time and resources into optimizing the way we work towards access to clean water and hygiene for all. For example by running a pilot project with a water vending machine in Tanzania.

We’re aiming at challenging local communities not only taking ownership, but also coming up with new ideas and approaches towards access to clean water and hygiene for all. That is a conscious policy.

In the end we work towards the clear objective to make as much impact as possible with every Euro being invested.

knock-on effect

Water projects are fitted with a business model and ownership structure. This often means that users pay a small contribution for the water fetched at the facility, funds that are being used as savings for future repairs.

We often see that local communities are able to create additional water supplies on their own initiative based on modest income. Water points also attract other entrepreneurs. This creates a knock-on effect that has much more impact.

Active projects

These are currently ongoing projects enabling access to clean water and hygiene for all.

watergrids in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, mini water networks will give 22,800 people direct access to clean drinking water.

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Water and nutrition at schools in Freetown

With 7 water kiosks and the provision of milk powder for school meals, we help more than 55,000 people to a better future.

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Madzi for Malawi

In Malawi, over than 7 million people lack access to clean water. This has resulted in major health risks and hinders the development of many (young) inhabitants. By building and repairing water…

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Water for health centres in Sierra Leone

We are helping young and expectant mothers and their children live healthy and safe lives by investing in health center facilities in Sierra Leone.

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We often see that local communities are able to create additional water supplies on their own initiative based on modest income. Water points also attract other entrepreneurs. This creates a knock-on effect that has much more impact.

Frank van der Tang, co-founder Made Blue

Latest updates

Let’s get to work in Malawi

Over 30% of the population in Malawi lacks access to clean drinking water. That’s over 7 million people! We hope to make a slight change to this problem with our new project Madzi for Malawi. Here is…

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Bushra’s personal story

We’ve supported the Max Tapwater project to realise 80 water networks in different locations in Bangladesh since 2022. Aside from direct access to clean water and the creation of jobs, the project…

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An update on construction works in Nepal

We’ve made major progress in Nepal over the past few months. We’ve constructed six new water points and restored two existing ones, giving 1,950 people direct access to clean water.

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Finishing up in India

In India, we have constructed 10 borewells in a short time. This has given the many residents of remote villages much more time and freedom.

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Finished projects

We recently successfully completed these projects.

Water and sanitation at ánd around schools

Children in Ethiopia will get access to water and sanitation at school and the neighbourhood benefits as well. In collaboration with Amref and Castalie.

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Water for villages in India

1,165 families in the Kadapa District in India will have direct access to water thanks to 10 new borewells.

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Clean drinking water for minorities in Vietnam

Finally access to clean drinking water for a disadvantaged minority group in Vietnam, the Muong, in collaboration with World Vision.

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Said’s water vending machine

Innovation and entrepreneurship in clean drinking water in Tanzania through the smart Water Vending Machine in collaboration with Simavi.

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Frequently asked questions

Is there an annual report?
Yes of course. We want to be as transparent as possible. In the annual report you will find everything about the donations and expenditure of the completed calendar year. The annual report can be found here.
How are new projects being selected?
We only select water projects that: realize a measurable amount of water, are ecologically and economically viable, are cost efficient & sustainable, take education and training into account, work with local communities, take place in regions where we truly make a difference, This way we know that we are making a real impact and that our water supplies will continue to work in the future.
Are water projects implemented by made blue?
We work with local partners who have been active in the communities for decades, such as: Amref Flying Doctors in Ethiopia, World Vision in Vietnam and Simavi in Tanzania. We only use local knowledge, manpower and materials. This means that all value creation remains local, materials and knowledge always available on site: also in the event of future expansion or repairs.
How can you be sure things remain operational?
Project sites are being visited regularly, also (years) after completion. As we’re paying lots of attention to local ownership and management, water structures remain in place and functional for a very long time into the future.
Where is the made blue office located?
We’re working with a small team and with full focus on effectiveness and transparency. This way we can invest as much as possible in our water projects. As central office does not work for us, we’re happy to meet you at any of our ambassador’s locations.
Can I suggest a water project to support?
Yes. However we adhere to a strategy that is about scaling what works: putting additional means to scaling water projects that have been proven effective in the past.