Madzi for Malawi
In Malawi, more than 7 million people lack clean water. This results in major health risks and hinders the development of its many (young) residents. By building and repairing wells-and points-we are going to change this.
Zomba and Machinga
Many millions
In Malawi, 30% of the population – that’s over 7 million people – does not have access to clean drinking water. Almost a quarter of health care facilities and a quarter of schools do not have a safe water supply.
Less than 10 percent of the population regularly washes their hands with soap and water. This poses a major health risk to children, pregnant women and other vulnerable groups.
Deze situatie maakt het moeilijker om ziekten zoals cholera en COVID-19 te bestrijden. Het is dringend nodig om schoon water, toiletten en goede hygiëne voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken.

With this project (‘madzi’ means water in the Chichewa language) we aim to improve water and sanitation facilities in two districts: Zomba and Machinga. We will build 10 new wells in a number of different villages. We will also renovate the water installations in two health care institutions in the area, and install water points in surrounding communities.
In addition to these access points for clean water, we are also going to help to practice better personal hygiene. Through training and campaigns, we hope to get more people to wash their hands regularly.
In Malawi, 30% of the population – that’s over 7 million people – does not have access to clean drinking water.
Strengthening the economy
To ensure the quality of the water in the long term, we are going to form maintenance committees. We will also train women leadership groups and set up income generating activities together. This not only helps to maintain the water points, but also strengthens the economy and the local community.
With this project we hope to provide clean drinking water to 1,200 school children, 9,500 villagers and 400 patients in health care facilities daily. In addition, 30,000 people will be informed and trained in effective hygiene practices. We aim to improve quality of life and reduce infectious diseases such as cholera through access to water and improved hygiene practices.

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