Why the best water for the world
The best water for the world
At Made Blue we literally call our water solutions ‘the best water for the world’.
That may sound immodest, but we really mean it.
Our solutions are not only very sustainable, they also have a huge impact.
Why? We explain this below.

No transport or waste
With Made Blue you choose a water cooler connected to the pipe instead of spring water. You always tap freshly cooled water from it, in most cases filtered and sparkling if you want.
We offer tailor-made solutions for hotels, restaurants and at work, and also carry a range of sustainable water bottles for enjoying water on the go.
This is a lot more sustainable than spring water because it does not require disposable packaging and transport.
There is a product that we can get for free and unlimited at home, but still want to buy for two thousand times the price in the supermarket: water in a bottle.
And that’s not even all there’s to it: made blue ensures 1,000 times as much clean water being made available to those in need, time and again. That sounds impressive and that’s what it is.
With every litre of Made Blue Water tapped, a thousand litres of clean water becomes available elsewhere on the planet. This way women and children in particular no longer have to walk an average of 6 kilometers per day for water that is often not even clean.
Every litre of Made Blue water we enjoy provides access to clean water and hygiene for a child at school for a school year.

CO2 savings
When people have to rely on polluted water, they will boil it before use, often over an open fire, especially in remote areas. By making clean drinking water available, this is no longer necessary and therefore much less wood or coal is burned, which saves a lot of CO2 emissions and harmful smoke.
For example, the IRC calculated that a ceramic water filter produces 1.03 tons of CO2 per year per filter. Conservatively calculated with 10 users per filter and the UN figure that 1 person needs at least 20 liters of water per day, the filter is good for 73,000 liters per year. This means that 1 million litres of clean drinking water in rural areas results in a CO2 saving of 13.74 tons. Half of our projects are in rural areas.
A tree must grow for a year to capture 20kg. According to our previous calculation, 1,000 litres of water captures 7kg of CO2. You could say that it also saves 1/3 of the tree.
But not in all cases wood (coal) is used as fuel for boiling water: it can also be biomass or another (carbon) fuel. That is why we calculate with a factor of 50%. This means that 1,000 litres of water can be saved for up to 0.15 trees.
Calculated differently, a donation of 6,666.67 litres is needed to protect a tree, or €2.00. Did you know that this is a lot cheaper than saving trees as a form of CO2 offsetting?

1.000 litres
of drinking water in developing countries
+ 7 kgs
of CO2-emissions prevented
+ 500
plastic bottles or bags saved
0,15 Trees
Our water projects prevent lots of plastic waste in developing countries as well. In urban slum areas, people tend to buy small quantities of clean water, packed in plastic bottles or small plastic bags.
In many cases, this plastic ends up on the streets and in rivers after use, eventually becoming part of the plastic soup. Direct access to clean water in slum areas is a direct contribution to diminishing use of plastic packaging and thus plastic waste.
Every litre of clean water generated prevents a plastic bottle of water or bag being tossed. As about 50% of our work is done in urban slum areas and most bottled water is distributed in even smaller plastic packaging, we account for 1,000 litres saving about 500 pieces of plastic waste.

the most expensive water?
You’d say it takes a lot of money to make all this work. On the contrary: a €0,30 donation is all it takes to ensure 1,000 litres of clean water to be made available elsewhere.
With all the options for filtration, cooling, carbonization and mineralization, it is no longer necessary to buy spring water or mineral water from the factory. We have an affordable solution for every situation.
Let’s have a look how to serve the best water for the world at your place!
The best water for you
This is how we call our water solutions the best water for the world.
They can also be the best water for you, your guests and your employees.
We have solutions for the hospitality industry, office and on to-go.
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Why is local bottling of water sustainable?
Tap or bottle your own water using a tap water cooler. That is much more sustainable than serving factory bottled bottled water.
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