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Our meter reading on World Water Day 2021

Our meter reading on World Water Day 2021

Like every year, we will also announce our meter reading on World Water Day this year.
How many litres of clean drinking water have we been able to produce since our founding?

The past year

2020 was of course all about the Corona crisis. This makes it clear once again how important access to clean drinking water and hygiene is. Because how are you supposed to wash your hands without water or soap?

We are pleased that, despite the enormous impact of Covid-19 on our hospitality ambassadors in particular, we have been able to make a major contribution to our mission: clean drinking water for everyone.

Fortunately, the negative impact on our water projects has remained very limited and behind the scenes we have been able to spend our time well by working on various new developments.

Thank you

Our meter reading was achieved thanks to the contribution of more than 400 ambassadors. Companies such as Vebego and Blycolin, but also many hospitality entrepreneurs, offices and private individuals.

Also during the lockdown, several new ambassadors have been connected who will now or will soon contribute to clean drinking water for everyone. They now also know where to find us abroad, thanks to Bottle Up and Castalie, for example.

We are therefore looking forward to a very nice 2021 in which we will increase our meter reading faster than ever. But first: thank you for your enormous contribution so far on behalf of the entire team and board!

17,050,329,976 LITRES

We have already achieved so much clean drinking water in developing countries and that has more impact than you think:

Women have time to work again and children can go to school, giving them a better chance of a better life later. People no longer have to cut down trees to boil dirty water and it is no longer necessary to buy disposable bottles.

Impact mensen


people got access

impact co2


tons of CO2 saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved

How much is that exactly?

8 billion litres sounds like a lot of water, but how much is it really? Converted it means that we: provide 109,581 people with 20 litres of water per day for at least 10 years or longer.

That’s enough for a person in a developing country to drink, cook and wash safely. We base this on a United Nations standard. That 20 litres is really the bare minimum because in fact 50 to 100 litres of water would be needed to stay healthy and safe.

In practice, in our projects we calculate the number of people who have access to water and multiply that by the standard of 20 litres. In practice we make many more liters available.

For 10 years?

We calculate access for 10 years, but we do everything we can to ensure that this may be 100 years in practice. For example, for every project we provide a maintenance committee with members from the local community and people often have to pay a small contribution so that they can save for maintenance and repairs.

We choose to work in relatively stable regions where there are no conflicts that could threaten the water supply. We also include a risk margin in our calculations in case something unexpectedly goes wrong.

Contribute to our mission too

You can also help with our mission: clean drinking water for everyone.
This can be done in many more ways than you think, for example simply by shopping.
Or go out for a nice meal and have a glass of water.

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