Brew Monkey

Brew Monkey
Made Blue

Brew Monkey is the market leader of beer brewing kits for the starting home brewer. Each beer brewing package sold provides 500 litres of clean drinking water in developing countries.

This is the impact of

Brew Monkey

since 2021:

27605523 litres

Impact mensen


people got access to water

impact co2


Tons of CO2-emissions saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved from logging

Want to know more? Read here how we’ve calculated this impact.

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About Brew Monkey

Brew Monkey was founded in 2018 and is the market leader in the sale of beer brewing kits for the starting home brewer. The company makes brewing accessible to everyone and, where possible, bears its social responsibility.

For example, the packages are mainly packed by people with a distance to the labor market. In addition, every beer brewing kit sold provides 500 litres of clean drinking water via Made Blue.

No good beer without clean water. In the Netherlands we do not have to dwell on the luxury of drinking water, but that is not the case everywhere. When we looked into the numbers, we were so shocked that we knew we had to do something about it.

Sander de Jong, Owner

In the picture

Brew Monkey launched a promotion as part of Dry January: No Dry January. Especially in this month, each beer brewing package provided 1000 times as much clean drinking water. So 5 litres of homemade beer provided 5000 litres of water in our projects.

One litre for one litre

In our program One litre for one litre you can convert the water saving or water consumption of your product, service or organization into an equal amount of litres of clean drinking water in developing countries. Choosing a selection of customers or donating more litres is also an option. Transparency is paramount and we are happy to help you communicate about it!

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