1000 times as much water?

If you enjoy our water in a restaurant, you provide 1000 times as much clean drinking water.
Each bottle or carafe provides 1,000 times its capacity of water in developing countries.
This is desperately needed because 771,000,000 people still do not have access to safe water.
Made Blue Foundation wants to do something about this. Read how we do that below.

How it works

If you see our water on the table or on the menu, it means that this location has opted for local tapping of filtered, cooled and sparkling water.

This is very sustainable because it saves a lot of waste and CO2 emissions from factories that bottle water and transport it over long distances.

The location uses a water tap to filter, cool and ‘carbonise’ tap water, i.e. to make the water sparkling. The water is poured into characteristic Made Blue water bottles or carafes, whereby the location always makes a donation with which we can always realize 1,000 times as much clean drinking water in developing countries, for example in the projects below.

Water projects

These are some of our currently ongoing projects enabling access to clean water and hygiene for all.

Said’s water vending machine

Innovation and entrepreneurship in clean drinking water in Tanzania through the smart Water Vending Machine in collaboration with Simavi.

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Local innovation in Uganda

Together with the local population, we devise water solutions that work well for them. Women are central to this.

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Currently active water projects are displayed on the map. Look for made blue icons on the map.
We choose to operate in areas coping with permanent water stress and within relatively stable (political) environments.
Together with local partners we are working on lasting change.


Below you can see the minimum number of litres of clean drinking water we have been able to achieve since we started. We register the number of people given permanent access to clean water and hygiene, multiplied by a minimal daily use of 20 litres of water per person, according to United Nations reports.

This is our meter reading



We have already achieved so much clean drinking water in developing countries and that has more impact than you think:

Women have time to work again and children can go to school, giving them a better chance of a better life later. People no longer have to cut down trees to boil dirty water and it is no longer necessary to buy disposable bottles.

Impact mensen


people got access

impact co2


tons of CO2 saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved

We promise access to clean water and hygiene for at least 10 years after completing a water project, of course working hard to make our impact last even longer. We’re fair about potential risks involved. Therefore we’re aiming at reaching more people than being targetted, making sure reported impact is even bigger in real life.

Each project is checked before and during execution. We receive help in this from Aqua for All, the agency that has also been checking the water projects of the Dutch government for many years.

We often see that local communities are able to create additional water supplies on their own initiative based on modest income. Water points also attract other entrepreneurs. This creates a knock-on effect that has much more impact.

Frank van der Tang, co-founder Made Blue

About us

We are the entrepreneurial charity Made Blue Foundation. Since our foundation at the end of 2014, we have already realized more than 15 billion litres of clean drinking water on behalf of more than 500 ambassadors.

We are a registered charity and work as transparant as possible.
We make as few costs as possible by working lean & mean. An independent board monitors our policy.

We do much more

We not only put water on the table in the catering industry, but go much further to work on our mission. We have a collection of sustainable water bottles and you can also use our water coolers in the office.

In addition, there are various companies that choose to convert their water consumption or savings into the same amount of drinking water in our One litre for one litre program.

Latest news

Finishing up in India

In India, we have constructed 10 borewells in a short time. This has given the many residents of remote villages much more time and freedom.

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Wrapping up in Ethiopia

We wrapped up our project in Ethiopia in 2023, with great success. Our focus was on providing children access to water and facilities at schools, in a way that the entire neighborhood could benefit…

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Durable water bottles with Albert Heijn and i-did

Albert Heijn wanted to congratulate their recently graduated employees with a special gift: our Bottle Made Blue with a unique sleeve made from their old uniforms.

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Twenty new water grids in Bangladesh

2023 was a productive year for the Max Tapwater project in Bangladesh. The number of water grids has doubled, bringing many more advantages than just clean water from the tap.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I also enjoy sustainable (sparkling) water at home?
Of course: the best water comes straight from the tap. Do you want to be assured of a perfectly neutral smell and taste? Then consider placing a water filter, for example under the sink. Do you also want to enjoy sparkling water at home, for example for sparkling water, lemonades and cocktails? There are also many cheap solutions for this, such as Sodastream.
My bottle looks different, how is that possible?
We’ve been in business for a number of years and in that time we’ve changed the design of our bottle from time to time. You also see that restaurants opt for their own design and state our message in a different way. We’re fine with that, as long as they donate on every bottle served.
How do you know how many liters have been served?
We make an agreement with most catering entrepreneurs about an average number of liters served per month, based on figures from the past. Once a year we request the real liters and adjust the numbers where necessary. There are also restaurants that report each quarter how much they have served.
How much does a catering entrepreneur donate per bottle?
For every 30 cents we make 1000 liters of clean drinking water available in developing countries. So for a bottle of 0.7 liters (THIS IS 700 LITER), he or she pays 21 cents. But those are not the only costs, because renting the water cooler and purchasing glassware means that the cost price for the catering entrepreneur is a lot higher and comes close to the well-known brands of spring water.
Can I also donate more?
Yes, please! For example, you can donate water for an entire family or choose how many liters you want to donate. Please see our donation page for this.
What else can I do to contribute?
Our mission is clean drinking water for everyone and you can help in many ways. For example, by purchasing products from one of our ambassadors or by organizing a fundraiser. Look here to see what you can do.