Tag: water footprint

OVER 350 million litres DONATED BY MAAS

MAAS has been a proud partner of Made Blue since 2015 with 'One litre for one litre'. For every liter of coffee, tea or water that is made from the coffee machines, they donate a liter of clean...

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How much water do you use per day?

We've looked into the average household's daily water consumption, its associated costs, and ways to conserve water. They are important considerations for homeowners and always good to know!

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Blycolin reaches milestone of 100 million litres

Blycolin mirrors amount of water that is required for washing the linen in its own laundries, one litre for one litre, via Made Blue.

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Want to offset your water consumption or balance your savings?

Do you want to offset your water consumption or litres of water saved? Made Blue makes it possible. We call it: one litre for one litre. Read on to find out more.

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What does water cost?

What is the cost of water? Why would you try to reduce these costs? We have plenty of water, don't we? Actually, the reality is more complicated than that.

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