Ethiopia update: the first results
Ethiopia update:
the first results
Er wordt hard gewerkt in Ethiopiƫ om de watertappunten te realiseren en de bijbehorende WASH-committees op te richten en te trainen.

Water points
An important activity within this project is the construction of water points. Amref is responsible for its construction. As soon as the water points are realized, Amref transfers them to the local government, which in turn allocates these water points to the local population.
Eight of the nine planned tap point have now been realized in Addis Ababa, Adama, Metehara, Awash and Worer. 9,455 people benefit from the result. Also, two previously non-functional water taps have been repaired.

Several facilities with public toilets and showers will be realized during the duration of the project. Here is an example of a toilet block under construction in Adama. A similar public toilet block has been set up in Methara. The building is located close to the main road and the market place. It contains latrines, showers and water taps, which will be used by market visitors, travelers and people from nearby communities.
The choice has been made to mortar a water tank, instead of using a plastic water tank. Experience shows that the locals prefer a cold shower, and plastic will get hot in, as the temperature in this part of Ethiopia can be very high.
In total, more than 1,226 toilets were installed at household level. That is well on schedule to realize the expected number of 3,600 latrines in the slums.

WASH committees are set up to ensure that the water points are managed sustainably and that the people in the villages also handle hygiene properly. In 2017, 9 committees received three-day training. A WASH committee consists of people from the community, chosen by the residents of that community. The WASH committee manages the water supply in the district or village. There were interactive training sessions in which the committees were able to put their own problems on the table. Also, a lot of knowledge was shared. The participants indicated that the training can help them properly to inform the people in their neighborhood or village and to maintain and manage the facilities in a sustainable way.
Making water everybody’s business
Since 2016 was have been investing in the five-year health programme ‘Making water everybody’s business’ executed by Amref Health Africa.
The goal is to reach more than 140,000 people in slums and poor neighborhoods in Ethiopia with access to water, sanitation and hygiene education. It concerns the areas of Addis Ababa, Afar and Oromia.
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