
Made Blue

O2Life is a fresh and unique drink, sure to quench your thirst. It’s made from 100% natural mineral water with extra oxygen added. Each bottle sold provides 5 litres of clean drinking water in developing countries.

This is the impact of

O2life Logo

since 2017:

160706890 litres

Impact mensen


people got access to water

impact co2


Tons of CO2-emissions saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved from logging

Want to know more? Read here how we’ve calculated this impact…

Logo MadeBlue blue portrait

About O2Life

O2Life is a fresh and unique drink, sure to quench your thirst. It’s made from 100% natural mineral water with extra oxygen added. Together with Made Blue O2Life makes sure that 5 litres of safe drinking water is provided in developing countries for every bottle of O2Life that is sold.

That way you will never drink this refreshing drink alone ever again!

Luc Putmans, Founder and owner

In the picture

O2Life made a nice animation on Facebook to show followers their contribution to clean drinking water: 1=5

One litre for one litre

In our program One litre for one litre you can convert the water saving or water consumption of your product, service or organization into an equal amount of litres of clean drinking water in developing countries. Choosing a selection of customers or donating more litres is also an option. Transparency is paramount and we are happy to help you communicate about it!

Other ambassadors

Dutch Clear

Dutch Clear develops, produces and sells an advanced improved water softener filter, or magnet, designed to replace traditional water softener technology. Without the addition of chemicals and or…

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Hydrofix offers innovative water dispensers that transform tap water into a tasty and sustainable drinking experience. Every litre tapped contributes to access to clean drinking water through their…

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Every consumption from a MAAS drinks machine provides the same amount of clean drinking water in developing countries through Made Blue.

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Plus h2o

Plus h2o puts environmentally friendly cleaning first. They donate 35 litres to our mission for every cleaning product sold.

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