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Tennant Company

Tennant Company
Made Blue

Tennant’s scrubber driers hardly need any water to be used. Tennant offers its customers the opportunity to convert those litres of water saved into litres of clean drinking water in developing countries through Made Blue.

This is the impact of

Tennant logo

since 2014:

195050000 litres

Impact mensen


people got access to water

impact co2


Tons of CO2-emissions saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved from logging

Want to know more? Read here how we’ve calculated this impact…

Logo MadeBlue blue portrait

About Tennant Company

Tennant Company is a leading manufacturer of indoor and outdoor environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Tennant’s industrial and commercial sweepers, scrubber driers, detergents, carpet cleaners, vacuum cleaners, single disc machines, ultra-high-speed machines and more deliver award-winning cleaning solutions. Tennant offers its customers the option to fully mirror the water consumption of the machines via Made Blue. For example, Tennant, in collaboration with Gom, now mirrors the water consumption of all machines used by Gom.

We offer our clients something very special: one litre of water saved by a Tennant machine delivers one litre of clean drinking water in a developing country.

Vincent Gielen, Strategic Account Manager

In the picture

We made this beautiful video for Tennant and its client Gom.

One litre for one litre

In our program One litre for one litre you can convert the water saving or water consumption of your product, service or organization into an equal amount of litres of clean drinking water in developing countries. Choosing a selection of customers or donating more litres is also an option. Transparency is paramount and we are happy to help you communicate about it!

Other ambassadors


By using recycled textiles, i-did saves a lot of water in their manufacturing process. They donate these litres of water saved to Made Blue for every order in their online shop.

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SOAPâ‚‚O is the most sustainable soap in the world with no water and no waste. The water saved is given back to those in need through the Made Blue Foundation.

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O2Life is a fresh thirst quencher with added oxygen. Each bottle sold provides 5 litres of clean drinking water in developing countries through Made Blue.

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Gom saves an average of 20 litres of water per cleaning hour and converts that into clean drinking water in developing countries.

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