Max Tap Water: Change of business plans
Our water project in Bangladesh is more of a start-up than a project. A company is being built that can continue to grow independently in a while, but that does not go without a struggle.

Earlier we mentioned that construction costs have also risen enormously in Bangladesh. Moreover, more pipelines appear to be needed per water network. Also, more steel is needed for the construction because the water reservoirs have to be placed higher to achieve enough water pressure.
In addition, it turns out to be difficult to find an entrepreneur per network who can invest enough and accepts a limited profit margin. That is why the formula for entrepreneurs has been adjusted, so that the start-up has to invest more per network and will have less left over.
Business plan
These challenges have consequences for the business plan behind Max Tapwater. Less can be built within the available budget and less will be earned per network.
Nevertheless, the prospect is still that the company will be able to stand on its own two feet after five years and will continue to grow independently. Until then, not 180 but 130 networks will be installed and after that time growth will probably be somewhat slower than intended.
We are pleased that our entrepreneurs are flexible in dealing with the new circumstances and with what they learn in the field and are thus able to bring the company to success.

Enough litres
With all these developments, it is very important to us that we can still fulfill our promise to provide enough liters of clean drinking water for our ambassadors.
Fortunately, after adjusting the plans in the first five years, it turns out that we can still achieve the minimum of 2 billion litres of clean drinking water in this project.
In addition, another 2.5 billion litres will be supplied in the following ten years, which means that in the long term we will make twice as many liters of clean drinking water possible than usual!
Max Tap Water
In Bangladesh, 73 million people still do not have access to water at home. As a result, especially women and girls spend at least 2 hours a day to fetch water. That water is often polluted with various diseases and malnutrition as a result.
Our mission in this project is therefore: easy, safe and affordable water at home. We will do this in an enterprising way by constructing mini water networks that will pay for themselves. This way we get a flywheel effect!
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