ECS Global

ECS Global
Made Blue

By cleaning vehicles without the use of water, ECS Global saves 150 liters of water per vehicle. Via their donation to Made Blue, they offer these litres of water saved to developing countries.

This is the impact of

ECS Global

since 2022:

27550000 litres

Impact mensen


people got access to water

impact co2


Tons of CO2-emissions saved

Impact plastic


tons of plastic waste prevented

impact bomen


trees saved from logging

Want to know more? Read here how we calculate this impact…

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About ECS Global

With extensive experience in aviation, ECS Global makes cars shine like they are brand new. They do this without water, and that easily saves up to 150 liters of water per cleaning job.

The ECS Global team consists of trained professionals who are qualified and certified by the aviation sector. Our professionals keep your vehicle clean for longer.

Their efficient way of working – the use of one product and one process – provides a unique value position with excellent results.

One product, one process. Washing without water.

Raymond Donker, CEO

In the picture

ECS Global cleans, among other things, the MyWheels shared vehicles, including these striking electric tricycles.

One litre for one litre

In our program One litre for one litre you can convert the water saving or water consumption of your product, service or organization into an equal amount of litres of clean drinking water in developing countries. Choosing a selection of customers or donating more litres is also an option. Transparency is paramount and we are happy to help you communicate about it!

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