Why pay for tap water?

Why pay for tap water

The demand for tap water in the hospitality industry is growing. Research has even shown that 92% of the Dutch people think that there should always be the possibility to order tap water – whether paid or not (Gfk, 2017). After all, the tap water in the Netherlands is of excellent quality. But to which extent is the consumer willing to pay for tap water?

Charging for tap water

92% of respondents asks for tap water

Research has even shown that 92% of the Dutch people think that there should always be the possibility to order tap water – whether paid or not (Gfk, 2017).

Surprisingly, this differs with age: younger guests are willing to pay more compared to guests of age.

Tap water or spring water?

Research shows that 92% of the Dutch people think that there should always be the possibility to order tap water. Only 16% thinks this should be free of charge at all times.

It is the marketing of well-known brands that makes us believe that spring water is better than tap water – and therefore worth more. However, water from well-known brands often comes from the same source as our tap water.

“Both Bar-le-Duc and Sourcy water are extracted from the same source, which is also the source of Utrecht’s tap water”.

Teun van de Keuken – Keuringsdienst van Waarde

Tap water is free?

Tap water is of highest quality in most Western countries, and available at very little cost.

In any case, the assumption that a glass of tap water will not cost anything to a restaurant is incorrect. You have to consider the costs made for (storage of) glassware, bottling, cooling, serving, collecting and cleaning. That goes for all types of water served in hospitality.


The consumer appears to be more willing to pay for tap water when it is linked to a good cause. A study by Gfk among 47,000 respondents shows that 6 out of 10 Dutch people are willing to pay for tap water that contributes to made blue.

Willing to pay up to 75% more for tap water with made blue. That’s the power of a unique story and real impact.

From tap water to filtered and sparkling water

Made Blue offers hospitality entrepreneurs the opportunity to serve filtered, chilled, still and sparkling water from a tap water dispenser.

In addition, we use our signature glassware to tell the crystal-clear message that each bottle or carafe provides 1000 times as much clean drinking water in developing countries.

Serve the best water for the world, for your guests and for your business.

made blue water dispensers

Serve your own water with impressive story to it and use a made blue water dispenser. That looks great, is easy to use and way more affordable. Guests respond enthusiastically and happily pay a fair price for beautiful water.

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