What is the difference between tap water, spring water and mineral water?
mineral water vs spring water
Mineral water, springwater, tap water, natural mineral water, water of natural origin… there are so many options available when ordering a simple glass of water at a restaurant. What is spring water, and what is mineral water, exactly?

spring water vs. mineral water
According to Dutch legislation, mineral water must be bottled directly at the source and the composition of minerals in the water may not be affected by the bottling process. There is no such prescribed legislation for spring water. As a result, mineral water retains its natural composition of minerals, such as iron, salt and magnesium. For this reason, mineral water can sometimes be slightly saltier to the taste than spring water. This actually doesn’t mean that mineral water contains more mineral compared to spring water or regular water from the tap.
The same water
Both spring water and tap water are extracted from natural or underground sources. In 60% of cases, spring water is extracted from the same layer in the ground as tap water. In that respect, tap water is not that different from spring water.
For example, the ‘Keuringsdienst van Waarde’, a Dutch tv-show focused on consumer questions, aired an episode in which they showed that the spring water of some brands originates from the same source as the tap water. “In Utrecht you actually flush your toilet with spring water,” was the conclusion.
Clean drinking water for all
More than 700 million people still don’t have access to safe water.
We are the Made Blue Foundation and our mission is clean drinking water for all.
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Why is it called spring water?
Both spring water and tap water are extracted from natural, underground sources. In 60% of the cases, spring water is extracted from the same layer in the ground as tap water. In that respect, tap water does not differ from water sold as high-quality spring water.
There are no studies that show that mineral water is healthier than spring or tap water. In fact, Dutch tap water is already of the highest quality possible. After all, water companies must meet strict safety requirements by law, to supply safe and reliable drinking water.
If you need to quench your thirst with a fresh glass of water, chilled and filtered water from a water dispenser is your best option. The water can even be carbonized, resulting a fresh glass of sparkling tap water.
Made Blue offers many solutions for the best water in the world, whether you run a restaurant, an office or need something on the go. Moreover, your choice of Made Blue also means a great deal to people in developing countries, as we support access to clean water for them via our ambassadors.

There is a product that we can get for free and unlimited at home, but still buy for two thousand times the price in the supermarket: bottled water. in Utrecht, our toilets are flushed with the exact same water.
Teun van de Keuken of the Keuringsdienst van Waarde on 24Kitchen

Tap water is most sustainable
We know for certain that Dutch tap water is the most sustainable option. Tap water is available in every home and work location. mineral and springwater water needs to be transported which causes emissions to pollute the air.
Springwater and mineral water also require packaging which needs to be produced and eventually disposed of, causing a great impact on nature. Tap water can be served in reusable glasses and bottles, which is a much more sustainable option.
spring water, a modern invention
Isn’t it a bit strange we all started craving spring water? Before the 1950s, no one had even heard of that term. Let’s find out what changed.
This animation from The Story of Stuff Project shows how we started drinking spring water even though tap water is better, tastier and much more affordable.

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