Tag: max tap water

Bushra’s personal story

We’ve supported the Max Tapwater project to realise 80 water networks in different locations in Bangladesh since 2022. Aside from direct access to clean water and the creation of jobs, the project...

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Twenty new water grids in Bangladesh

2023 was a productive year for the Max Tapwater project in Bangladesh. The number of water grids has doubled, bringing many more advantages than just clean water from the tap.

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Max Tap Water: Change of business plans

Our water project in Bangladesh is more of a start-up than a project. A company is being built that can continue to grow independently in a while, but that does not go without a struggle.

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Max Tapwater: already 4000 people have water

In Bangladesh we are working hard to connect as many households as possible to the mini water networks that are being built. In this update you can read how far we have come and what we encounter in...

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Max Tap Water: CEO Saiful Islam

Recently we had the honor to meet the CEO of Max Social Enterprise: Saiful Islam. We asked him what challenges the project faced and how he sees the future.

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Update Max Tap Water: a running start

Our entrepreneurial project in Bangladesh is off to a running start. After all permits were completed, various existing installations were transferred to the new social enterprise to be set up, which...

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