Donate as a company
Donate once
Donate once and choose how much. This is possible from 100 euros.
This makes no less than 333,333 litres of clean drinking water available.
That gives at least 45 people access to water for a year.

Donate via an invoice
Would you rather receive a donation request (invoice) for a specific amount with which you can also deduct your donation from the operating result? Then fill in the form behind this button.
Organise a fundraiser
A sponsored run, a benefit evening or an auction? We are happy to work with you. We provide communication materials and possibly water, you ensure a great event. You can easily use us for your plans via our Pifworld page. But of course we are also happy to think along with you.

One litre for one litre
Mirror the water savings or consumption of your product, service, customer or organization with the same number of liters of clean drinking water in our program One litre for one litre, tangible and guaranteed. From 1,000,000 litres per year you can call your organization an ambassador and you will get a profile page on our site among these ambassadors. Every year you will receive a certificate and much more. Something for your organization?
Support in other ways?

water bottles
Give your customers or your employees one of our sustainable, reusable bottles with a unique print. Then you will not only make an impression, but also a lot of impact!

water dispensers
Get chilled and sparkling water in your restaurant, hotel or office with one of our water coolers. This way you provide 1000 times as much drinking water and happy guests and employees.
771,000,000 people still do not have access to clean drinking water.
They have a daily job of collecting water that is often polluted.
The result is that they are often ill and cannot work or go to school.
They are caught in a poverty trap and we want to help them out!