10 years of Made Blue
10 years of Made Blue!
February 12th, 2014 is our birthday. So this year, we are celebrating! It’s a good opportunity for us to reflect on our achievements and experiences over the past years. Join us, won’t you?
Travel back in time
436 million children still live with extreme water scarcity. Our goal is to provide access to safe drinking water to at least 10% of them, together with our ambassadors.
Machiel van Dooren, Co-founder Made Blue

Media attention
The platform Duurzaam Ondernemen wrote a beautiful article about Made Blue to celebrate our 10-year anniversary. In it, we discuss our achievements and plans for the future.
“Our dream is to conquer the world, and with our new proposition for the hotel business, we think we can! In five years we would like to have donated 700 billion litres to our cause. That amounts to access to clean drinking water for one million people, 75% of which are children”, says Machiel in the interview.
From the archives
We offer multiple services, solutions and products to our ambassadors. Right now, the Bottle Made Blue is our showpiece. But we’ve developed and tried many more products over the years. We’ll share the story behind these products – and wether they were a success, or not – on our social channels. So keep an eye out for those!

World wide impact
10 years of water projects
The most important achievement of the past 10 years is of course the impact we have been able to make, thanks to ánd with our ambassadors. We’ve been able to support ten different projects wold wide, of which four are still running today. Our involvement in projects in places like Kenya, Senegal, Indonesia and Vietnam ended quite a while ago.
We are still very proud of the impact we were able to make there. To celebrate these achievements, we’ll share some of our favourite stories in the coming days, weeks and months with you. Keep an eye on our social media channels for these.

Contribute to our mission too
You can do so in more ways than you might think.