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Category: News

Why a water tank in the office is not sustainable

You might think that a water tank or dispenser is a great system for chilled water.
Yet there are cheaper and more sustainable alternatives.

Our meter reading on World Water Day 2021

This year we will once again announce our meter reading on World Water Day. How much clean drinking water have we created since our founding?

Hoog Catharijne opens biggest watertap in The Netherlands

Recently you can tap in Hoog Catharijne tapcooled and filtered water from a water cooler of the Made Blue Foundation.

What is the difference between tap water, spring water and mineral water?

Natural mineral water, water of natural origin, spring water: a small selection of the terms that come to our attention.
What is the difference?

The 100 million club

We are happy with every donation, but a few ambassadors have each already donated more than 100 million litres of clean drinking water.

The story of Gadisa Hurisa from Ethiopia

Gadisa spent a lot of money and time fetching clean drinking water. Thanks to Made Blue, she can now save and invest time in development.

100000 people

We have already been able to give more than 100,000 people access to clean drinking water!
How much is that exactly? And how are we so sure about that?

Mirroring your water footprint

Giving back the water you used or saved? We call this “mirroring your water footprint”. But how does it work?

Retulps Mission Indisposable 2020 Explained

Retulp Mission Indisposable 2020: 20 million litres of clean drinking water. How are they going to reach this goal together with Made Blue?

Vietnam update: local involvement

The local government and community are closely involved and co-responsible for the sustainability of our project in Vietnam.