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Category: News

Ethiopia update: Completed succesfully

At the end of 2020, the project Making WASH everybody’s business in Ethiopia was successfully completed. Here you can read everything about the results and the impact of the project.

Why the best water for the world

Our solutions are not only very sustainable, they also have a huge impact nearby and far away. Why? We are happy to explain.

The Corona crisis: how are things going in Africa?

What are the consequences – both negative and positive – of the corona crisis in Africa? And what is the role of water? We looked into it.

The Dutch drink more and more water and more often flavoured.

The Dutch drink more and more water and more often flavoured. That may be healthy, but not as good for the environment if it is bottled water.

Vietnam update: construction started

In our project in Vietnam, the start of the construction work has been central in recent months and construction is now underway!

1 million for water in and around schools in Ethiopia

Over the next three years we will invest no less than 1 million euros in clean drinking water at and around schools in Ethiopia.

Water scarcity: a major future problem

A global water crisis is looming in the future. What are the causes and consequences of water scarcity? And can we still turn the tide?

Vebego companies realised 100 million litres

Vebego was at the cradle of Made Blue in 2014. Various Vebego subsidiaries together have already produced 100 million litres of clean drinking water.

Update Said: Completion of phase 2

Phase 2 of this innovative project has been completed and much has been achieved and learned. Here you can read a summary of the results.

Blycolin reaches milestone of 100 million litres

Blycolin mirrors amount of water that is required for washing the linen in its own laundries, one litre for one litre, via Made Blue.