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Category: News

Max Tap Water: Change of business plans

Our water project in Bangladesh is more of a start-up than a project. A company is being built that can continue to grow independently in a while, but that does not go without a struggle.

OVER 350 million litres DONATED BY MAAS

MAAS has been a proud partner of Made Blue since 2015 with ‘One litre for one litre’. For every liter of coffee, tea or water that is made from the coffee machines, they donate a liter of clean drinking water.

Max Tapwater: already 4000 people have water

In Bangladesh we are working hard to connect as many households as possible to the mini water networks that are being built. In this update you can read how far we have come and what we encounter in practice.

Water by women: the preparations

Our project in Nepal has started. Here, together with women, we will restore water supplies in an enterprising way. The preparations are in full swing and they are essential for the success of the project.

Max Tap Water: CEO Saiful Islam

Recently we had the honor to meet the CEO of Max Social Enterprise: Saiful Islam. We asked him what challenges the project faced and how he sees the future.

Wash at schools: what has already been achieved?

In Ethiopia we are working hard on water in and around schools. We aim to provide 20 schools with water and sanitation. How far have we already come after two years with more than a year to go?

Two Rotterdam restaurants provide 55 million litres of water

In 2017, they were one of the first restaurants to opt for local bottled water with a contribution to clean drinking water in developing countries: Héroine and De Matroos en Het Meisje. Together, five years later, they already provided 55 million liters of drinking water in countries such as Ethiopia and Bangladesh.

Clean drinking water update: 771 million people

At the end of last year, the WHO and UNICEF released a report on access to water and sanitation in 2020. Fortunately, we are moving in the right direction: from 785 million to 771 million people without access to safe drinking water.

WASH & Learn update: Innovations

Our WASH & Learn project in Uganda has clear targets but no fixed approach. This creates very interesting innovations that appear to work very well…

2.3 billion people without toilets

Clean drinking water for everyone, that is our mission. But did you know that in our projects we do much more than just provide access to water? For example, access to toilets is also essential for a healthy life.